Join us for five days of intensive learning, social networking and, most of all, relaxation on the shores of beautiful southern Sweden! The weather is beautiful, the beach is a stone’s throw away, biking trails are all around us, and the living is easy!
Here is some information on the intensive training course, registration fees and the conference conference venue:
The three of us (Kirk, Patti, Thomas) will be providing the training and supervision, so we will divide people that come into three groups of approximately 8-10 tranees. There will be 10 total supervision group meetings during the week (morning and afternoon for Monday thru Friday). We will rotate among the supervision groups all week, so that you will get to see more than one approach to applying fACT. I think this creates more rapid acquisition of skills, when you get to see different approaches modeled by different clinicians.
Each afternoon, there will be a one hour “moment of zen” session where you can meditate, attend a Yoga class led by Patti (who is a certified Yoga instructor), hang out on the beach and get some sun, or whatever.
After the moment of zen hour is over, the entire camp will assemble for a “clinical grand rounds” of 1.5 hours, before we break for the day. We will have a very interactive discussion of special clinical issues, such as dealing with self-harming patients or handling a suicidal crisis using the ACT framework.
The pre-camp fACT Supercharger workshop will help you quickly learn new elements in the evolving fACT approach, while making sure you have a solid grasp of the basics. Our approach to change oriented clinical interviewing, case conceptualization and designing and implementing briefer interventions will be heavily emphasized, so if you haven’t been to a fACT training lately, this would be a good option for you. We of course, provide supervision from the framework of the fACT model during the intensive week long mastery course, so these concepts will continue to appear and reappear throughout the week long event.
Registration Fees:
The weeklong summer camp event is 850 Euros
The one day long ACT Supercharger event is 150 Euros
Total for both events is 1000 Euros. This is for SIX full days of intensive training 🙂
Students: 15% discount on both events with proof of current student status
Groups of four or more: 10% discount
Registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday. Dinner is on your own and there many local dining options nearby.
Conference Venue:
The conference hotel will offer single and double occupancy rooms at their convention rate. The hotel is actually newly constructed out of an old world heritage building complex. The rooms are very reasonably priced and very modern in design. If you want to read more about this pristine conference venue, click here or past this link into your browser: http://www.sundsgardenk
Note: If you are interested in sharing a double room with someone to cut down on your lodging costs, we will be happy to try to link you with another attendee that is looking for a person to share a room with.